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NZ Outdoors Party For Future Generations                                     

June 2021 Newsletter and AGM Update

In this newsletter: The AGM report and minutes | Significant Natural Areas | Government takeover of Fish and Game Councils | Survey on Fish and Game Takeover | Vaccines and reporting reactions | Outcome of the KTI High Court action | Your rights presentation in your town | Submissions on Electoral commission | Closure of East Corromandel Coast to scallop harvesting | Freedom camping regulations | Social Media alternatives | Sue Grey open letter to PM regarding homicide.

The AGM meeting was a huge success with about 50 people in attendance including David Haynes (Co founder)  and Zane Mirfin who started the original NZ Outdoors and Recreation party in 2002. We had some great guest speakers and much was filmed. I have included links to them here.

Other news: I have also tried to engage the ACT party in getting some action on firearms reforms as they promised at the last election. But in two months I haven't heard a peep from them. I also have written to a journalists about incorrect statements on Stuff about the party again to no  avail. It seems they can publish rubbish and we don't have a right to correct their false information. What happened to their fact checkers? I will be at the Whangamata 1080 protest Sat 12th and at the Nelson AGM of the Federation of Fresh Water Anglers on the 19th.

That's enough from me this month.



2021-05-15 AGM Outdoors Party

1.20 pm Wakatu Hotel, Nelson.

Attendees:  Alan Simmons, Jenn Haakma, Sue Grey, Tracy Livingston, Karl Barkley, David Haynes, Kerry Goodhew, Luke King, Catherine Giorza, Paul O’Connor, Phil Hyde, Tony Ormon, Alan Rennie, JJ James, Michele Mitcalfe, Jim Hilton, Phil Paterson, Julie Sherpa (Jules), Tim Mitchell, Bruce Abrahams, Ellen ??, Peter Trolove, Akky Lenrink, Linton McGill, Anne O’Reilly, Peter Clark, Geoff Clark, Theresa Ekenasio, Zane Mirfin, Dianne Hopkins, Te Aroha Knox,

Apologies: Tricia Cheel, Heidi jensen-Warren, Darlene Morgan, Charlotte Staples, Lucy McDonald, Chris and Frith Grey, Wendy Mitchell, Janice Clyma, Grant Kelynack, Phil Bridge, Steve Hart.

Move that 2020 AGM Minutes be accepted: Tracy/Jim Hilton seconded – passed

Welcome Message. Video.

Items for Agenda:

Secretary Report:  attached (Jenn please send to Tracy)

A big thank you to Jenn for the amazing job she has done in the past year or more.

Presidents Report: Alan Video.

Co-Leaders Report: Sue Grey, Video.

Tracy Livingston: Report on facebook, election inconsistencies,

Election of Officers: President: Nomination - Alan Simmons: no other nominations - accepted

Secretary: nominated - Jenn Haakma; no other nominations – accepted.

Nomination for Treasurer:

Luke King nominated by Jim Hilton, seconded David Haynes, accepted unanimously.

Vote for Board Members:

Catherine Giorza, nominated by Sue, seconded by Paul O'connor. Accepted unanimously.

Phil Hyde: Nominated by Alan Simmons, seconded  Jim Hilton, accepted unanimously. 

Alan Simmons suggests that Kerry James Goodhew, consider coming on to the board. Kerry will consider his options and get back to us.  

Suggestion from the floor: new committee deals with any bullying behaviour in the party, particularly candidates and members. Set strong rules about how we want our members and candidates to behave.

Moved by a member from the floor. That a named member be investigated because of his bullying behaviour. It was resolved that the board would deal with the matter in house.

The board that was elected is: Alan Simmons, President and Sue Grey co leader.  Catherine Giorza, Luke King (treasurer), Jenn Haakma (secretary), Phil Hyde ( promotions), Kerry Goodhew and Tracy Livingston.

Suggestion: new committee creates areas of work such as policy development, press etc.

Guest Speakers:

Tony Ormon Trout farming, history of environmental politics, etc. Video to come which will be uploaded on our website shortly.

Water panel:   Peter Trolove, President of the Federation of Freshwater Anglers, Sue Grey, David Haynes and Zane Mirfin past Tasman District regional Councillor.  Video available.

Amanda Vickers. Past Deputy Social Credit Party.  Discussion on parties working together to get over the 5% threshold.  

Finish: 5.30pm

It really was a great day with everyone enjoying meeting up and spending time together. We had a group  dinner on the Friday night that was fun and then of Saturday morning everyone went to the Nelson market and dinner in the evening.

A huge thanks must go out to Ross of Promotion Media Nelson for filming the event and building the very professional videos.





SNA  Significant Natural Areas.

What a hot potato this one is becoming and has the potential to cause riots in rural communities. Already there have been significant meetings across the country with more to come and communities are gearing up for ANOTHER scrap with this government who are forcing this onto regional councils via the Resource Management Act. Its a land grab and there is no other way of saying it. Not only will a chunk of your property be identified and  classified  as a SNA but you can be fined and forced into remedial work if you have done anything like even planting a non indigenous tree on the land. On top of that you have to fence it off and maintain the fence...A SNA can be an area of bush that you have lovingly looked after for generations. Basically if you have any bush on your property that you have loved and looked after the Government via the regional council are going to take it. Its a Government land grab.

Another Government Takeover.  Fish and Game Councils.

Fish and Game councils are about to be taken over by the government. If anglers and hunters do not stand up and be counted they will loose this old traditional organisation which started out as the Acclimatisation Societies. The proposal is to reduce the numbers of regions down to 6 and we don't have much argument about that but the councils are made up of 12 elected license holders for each region. Now to be a fish and Game Councillor you have to agree to do a lot of work and attend a lot of meetings without compensation. The proposal which they are ramming though before your eyes is to reduce the councilors down to 8 with only four elected and four appointed by Government. The four appointed by government will be paid and the four elected will not. Fish and Game are charged under the Conservation Act to maintain and advocate on water quality and they have not made any friends within the dairy industry who have regularly said they want Fish and Game got rid of. There have been a number of occasions where DOC have walked away from their responsibilities over clean water and river extraction. With half of the new council structure to be paid appointees by Government its pretty obvious to most people what will happen.

You have to wonder what is to be gained by this as there is no cost to the government.  Fish And Game is licence holder funded, the cost of clean water advocacy falls to anglers pockets so the only reason I can see is that they can get rid of the only clean water advocate on the block!.  DoC  will not release the submissions they had and I suspect many of them were from the industrial dairy industry so we have no way of verifying the process. The idea of a transparent government touted by this labour government if just spin doctor words. This will brew up into a scrap of epic proportions. How many other battles do we have to fight with this government. Its a Government land grab. The NZFFA are running a survey on the issue ..Please respond.

You AGREE or DISAGREE with recommendations.

The survey is at

Your opinion is important to us, your participation is vital to help NZFFA develop a constructive dialogue with Fish and Game Council


Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine.

The NZ Outdoors Party is all about informed choice. We believe the people of NZ are not getting good information to assist in making that informed decision. We are not anti Vaccine and support those who do get vaccinated as we do those who have objections to vaccines.

We feel that it’s important enough to warn our members, and their friends and families that this Govt is not informing the New Zealand people about the horror show that is the COVID-19 global vaccine campaign or of safer alternatives. The reports coming out of Europe, UK and the USA, including the World Health Organization and official government information, is of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious negative health effects immediately following vaccination of all of the different brands. We don’t have space in this newsletter to cover all of this but we recommend that you follow our Facebook page for up to date information and links that we have checked to make sure the information is accurate and not ‘mis-information’. There are thousands of medical and allied health professionals speaking out and the Govt is ignoring those voices. Here in NZ a lot of doctors and nurses are now  speaking out and the numbers are growing daily.

Reporting Vaccine Reactions:

We are being inundated with testimonials of vaccine reactions of New Zealanders, and stories of discrimination against front line and health workers, our defense force members, etc. These (some anonymously as required) are on the website. We request that you tell anyone you know who has vaccine reactions to lodge their reaction with the following

you AGREE or DISAGREE with recommendations.

The survey is at

Your opinion is important to us, your participation is vital to help NZFFA develop a constructive dialogue with Fish and Game Council


Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine.

The NZ Outdoors Party is all about informed choice. We believe the people of NZ are not getting good information to assist in making that informed decision. We are not anti Vaccine and support those who do get vaccinated as we do those who have objections to vaccines.

We feel that it’s important enough to warn our members, and their friends and families that this Govt is not informing the New Zealand people about the horror show that is the COVID-19 global vaccine campaign. The reports coming out of Europe, UK and the USA, including the World Health Organization and official government information, is of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious negative health effects immediately following vaccination of all of the different brands. We don’t have space in this newsletter to cover all of this but we recommend that you follow our Facebook page for up to date information and links that we have checked to make sure the information is accurate and not ‘mis-information’. There are thousands of medical and allied health professionals speaking out and the Govt is ignoring those voices. Here in NZ a lot of doctors and nurses are now  speaking out and the numbers are growing daily.

Reporting Vaccine Reactions:

We are being inundated with testimonials of vaccine reactions of New Zealander's, and stories of discrimination against front line and health workers, our defense force members, etc. These (some anonymously as required) are on the website. We request that you tell anyone you know who has vaccine reactions to lodge their reaction with the following

1) CARM – Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring

2) ACC via your health practitioner (without ACC registration you may not get any help especially if it causes a chronic health condition that may appear unrelated) and

3) The website so we have a civilian record of these reactions in case the Ministry of Health scrubs the data (which they have been known to do) NZ register of adverse effects


Court Case Outcome

As you may know Co Leader Sue Grey in her profession as a lawyer has represented Nga Kaitiaki Tuku Iho Medic Society Inc "KTI" and taken the Govt (MOH, Jacinda Ardern etc) to the High Court challenging the legality of the Pfizer vaccine approval. This was a matter of law as KTI felt that of all people the government needs to follow the law. The result was that the approval of the pfizer vaccine was not lawful and the judge recommenced the government review its approval. The result was that the next day the government had an emergency session in Parliament and changed the law. Talk about play dirty cricket. There is more of this case to go. 

Your Rights’ Presentation:

Due to the lack of transparency and informed consent around the vaccine campaign we have created a presentation that highlights many of the issues around workers rights, informed consent, illegal actions of the Govt, inconsistencies in the Pfizer clinical trials, and as well as proven, effective remedies for both maintaining a solid immune system and dealing with a novel infectious agents such as corona virus. Any of our members who wish to have someone present this to your contacts or your town, please email Tracy at

Three Submissions:

The Outdoors Party made a comprehensive submission, complete with solutions, on the 2020 Election. We recommend that you read it so you can understand what the emerging parties are ‘up against’ and please consider writing in to the Electoral Commission support of the parts of our submission that you agree with.

The most recent is in support of the application by Ngāti Hei for a 2-year temporary closure around the eastern Coromandel coast to the harvest of scallops, but also requesting a complete ban on dredging and bottom trawling from inshore waters. We also made a submission on the new Freedom Camping Regulations.

You will find all three here


Social Media:

If you haven’t already please consider joining and sharing our official Outdoors Party facebook page for factual information on Covid, updates on 1080 drops and protest actions, also NKTI  and Sue Grey’s facebook page – for constant communications. We need as many people supporting and sharing as possible. All our pages are “shadow banned” and will be completely banned before too long, so we have an alternative social media set up on so join us there as well so we can move on seamlessly if we get chucked off facebook.

Sue Grey Letter to PM.
Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Minister of Health, Minister of Covid, Minister or Seniors, Director General of Health and Chris
I attach below some new and very important research which I must assume your advisors have not yet provided to you, or the experimental Pfizer injection rollout would surely already have been suspended.
It is now clearly established that the SProtein is a toxin that causes the harmful symptoms known as "Covid". 
I surely don't need to explain the legal, ethical and human rights consequences of a government knowingly promoting a program which intentionally injects a life threatening toxin into healthy people.
I also attach a report indicating that injected nanoparticles (and the SProtein)  do not remain in the arm muscle but instead circulate  throughout the whole body.
The combined effect is that the Pfizer jab injects mRNA to take over cells to manufacture the deadly SProtein toxin and this spread throughout much of the body, manufacturing the SProtein toxin for days and in some cases many weeks.
This explains why even the limited available research from the two months of study as summarised in the Comirnaty Data Sheet identifies possible harm to many different parts of the body including the heart, blood, brain, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, fainting and dizziness etc.
This is no longer just a shocking experiment. Everyone involved is now on notice of this "injection roulette" which may result in death or serious injury to previously healthy people. The health and safety implications for employers and those who push this jab, are significant. 
No post injection death can legitimately be ruled out as being caused or contributed by the injection, at least not without a full coroner's report. Certainly any post vax stroke, heart attack, other blood disorder, nervous system disorder or even suicide or car accident (known overseas as "vaccidents") must prima facie be assumed to be caused or contributed to by the jab, at least until a full coroners report is undertaken. 
Similarly it is not good enough to claim that our seniors who die post jab were frail and likely to die. Surely if they were that frail they should have been spared from the jab. Anyway, surely "deaths post Jab" should be treated consistently with "deaths post Covid". 
Despite the secretive,  flawed and very passive official post jab injury reporting process ( CARM), and as a result of the more active community led follow up, you are already on notice of a number of deaths and life threatening and life changing harm from this injection. The deaths and harm will inevitably continue if there are any further injections. Perhaps initially you had an excuse that you thought the SProtein was "safe". However now you are on notice that it is not "safe" by any definition.
Further, although you in privileged position are on notice, many members of the public who you were elected to represent remain deceived by misleading claims in crown propaganda that the jab is "safe and effective". In these circumstances there can be no "Informed consent"., Each jab without Informed consent is in breach of the Health and Disability Code and is an assault.
In these circumstances, the ongoing program is surely criminal, and indeed may result in Homicide as defined by the Crimes Act:
158Homicide defined


Homicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.

Compare: 1908 No 32 s 173

Anyone who aids, abets or otherwise incites homicide is a party to that homicide.
I note that the Director-General of Health has shared his view in sworn evidence that Covid is the most serious health issue for New Zealand in 100 years. 
I invite you all to consider that claim very carefully and critically. Please put Covid in perspective against the many other challenges which we face, including for example heart attacks, strokes, cancer, suicide accidents and diabetes and the nitrate and other contamination of much of our water.
Surely you must agree that the harm is not from "Covid" but from the "Response to Covid".
The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds,  supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond 20-25 cycles. OIA responses indicate that in NZ PCR tests use up to 45 cycles, which simply multiplies any contamination.
Our government is about to enter dangerous new phase if it proceeds to inject more healthy New Zealanders with an injection that experts have established is toxic.
Apart from the direct harm to those who choose, or are bullied to accept this injection, there is considerable peripheral harm. This includes the contamination of our Blood Bank with SProtein. We can only speculate on the risks for vulnerable people who receive blood contaminated with this toxin.
Please stop and reflect. Please listen to international experts who are independent from Big Pharma and who are not invested in the Covid paradigm. 
Please listen to the New Zealand scientific and medical experts who have put their careers and reputations on the line out of extreme concern.
Please correct the misinformation that this injection is "safe and effective" and "approved by Medsafe" when in fact it did not meet the statutory criteria that "benefit exceeds risk".
There is no imminent health risk from suspending the program. Dr Bloomfield's sworn evidence was that the risks were mainly financial and reputational.
Please find the courage to challenge whoever is driving this, and any who act on dogma rather than evidence, reason or ethics. 
The future of New Zealand depends on your courage to step up and make this critical call for our people.
I urge you to listen,  engage and act in the public interest.
Please put aside your pride and the dogma, and suspend this program. 
I am happy to assist however I can. 

Sue Grey LLB (Hons), BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), RSHDipPHI
PO Box 1653 Nelson, NZ

Government Takeover of Fish and Game will be hotly challenged by 100,000 license holders. A call For Action!
The NZ Outdoors Party is very concerned by the newly released recommendations of the Fish and Game review set up by Eugenie Sage when she was Conservation Minister. 

The Chairman of the NZ Fish and Game Council has suggested they would begin voluntarily enacting the recommendations before the hundred thousand plus members have time to consider the consequences of the recommendations.  You can read the full release here.

NZ Outdoors Party
C/- 99 Grace Rd. RD2. Turangi. NZ
Authorised by Jenn Haakma, Secretary, 117 Allen Rd. RD1 Broadands. Reporoa, 3081
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