Bottled water test results.

Alan Simmons. 15/10/2024 UPDATED 12/11/2024

This is a shock to all who don’t want a poison in their SPRING water.

Below are the Indicative results of our fluoride tests on bottled water from supermarkets. We were amazed that most of the north island water had unacceptably high fluoride levels often similar to fluoridated tap water.

What are the levels of fluoride in NZ. Councils put between .7 ppm and 1.5 ppm in drinking water. PPM (parts per million) is almost the same as the measurement used officially of MgL. Anything over .5 is in my opinion far too much. The word fluoride is used to describe most compounds that contain fluoride/fluorine or those compounds which release fluoride upon dissolving. It is the 13th most common element and is found naturally in rocks especially volcanic, water and some plants. Some plants have it as a defense against browsing. A form of 1080!

We wonder now how many of the “springs” are artificial or puffery.

We have contacted companies with high fluoride readings to invite their comment and ask what testing they do themselves. We would love to be able to share information about fluoride free brands to discerning consumers who are concerned not to have a neurotoxin in their coffee.

We are also concerned about the vast amount of plastic used in the bottles, which ends up scattered all over the country side or in the ocean and as micro plastic particles ending up in our bodies and all other animals and fish.

It appears to us that bottled water has been taken over by corporates who are selling medicated “water” at a grossly inflated price promoted with creative writing to convince people to buy water that is often similar to tap water.

We will continue testing as we find others to test and will add them to the results below.

PUMP WATER. 0.80 PPM. Purchased from Mount Manganui Four Square. 13/10/24.

North Island Spring. Tested 13/10/24. 0.80ppm. | Tested 15/10/24 0.80ppm |

South Island Spring. Tested 15/10/24. Purchased from a Nelson 4 Square store. 0.15 PPM.

Pump comes from a different “spring” in the South Island. They do tell you on their website the water is from different sources?

Puffery. “Pump is made of pure New Zealand spring water sourced from Putaruru & Wainoni. As crisp and refreshing as water can get.
The spring water emerges so pure it is crystal clear and appears an
azure blue colour.

We tested the BLUE SPRING water at the spring and found it to be the same reading.

PAMS PURE 0.38 PPM. Purchased from Mount Manganui Four Square. 13/10/24.

| Tested 15/10/24 0.38 ppm |

Puffery. None… they just state that it contains “water”.


| Tested 18/10/24 0.69ppm

PUFFERY. “bottled from water sourced at the Blue Spring, where rain that falls in the heart of the Kaimai Ranges permeates ancient rocks. After a natural filtration process lasting up to 50 years, the water pushes its way to the surface from a labyrinth of aquifers.

HBAY WATER. 0.99 PPM. Purchased from New World Supermarket. 16/10/24.

Tested 16/10/24. 0.99ppm. |

PUFFERY. None. They do state this water is from an aquifer in the Hawkes Bay. Quite refreshing not to “be from a pure spring” however this is pretty much ordinary well water from the Hawkes Bay aquifer and that explains the high fluoride reading.


| Tested 18/10/24 0.14 ppm

PUFFERY. Deep beneath Tongariroʼs spiritual lands of the ʻcold south windsʼ, you will find our artisanal well. Bubbling to the surface, Tongariro ground flow water arrives full of minerals with life-giving properties. It is hard to imagine spring water from a more auspicious place. So, we realised we were onto something pretty special. And we know you will agree.”

NZ SPRING WATER. Woolworths Own Brand . 0.61 PPM.

| Tested 9/11/24 0.61 ppm

PUFFERY.Refreshment from NZ Springs. Sourced from pristine springs all over NZ.


| Tested 9/11/24 1.34 ppm

PUFFERY.Earths finest water bottled at source.



| Tested 9/11/24 1.08 ppm

PUFFERY. Independant testing has shown PUREDEW contains ……. bla bla…. This means PUREDEW is 100 times more pure than typical spring water, mineral water or tap water.


| Tested 13/11/24 .60ppm

I did three separate test today on a new bottle of Puredew. They came out at 0.59, 0.59 and 0.60 So to my mind this indicates there is something there and the fluoride is escaping the process they use or my test equipment is bloody useless!

PUFFERY. Independant testing has shown PUREDEW contains ……. bla bla…. This means PUREDEW is 100 times more pure than typical spring water, mineral water or tap water.

Alan Simmons

Alan Simmons

President & Co-Leader Alan has dedicated a lifetime of involvement in outdoors political issues. He’s sat on a number of national body executives, boards, NGO and management groups, including the NZ Professional Hunting Guides Association, Electricorp Environmental Management Board, NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers and the NZ Professional Fishing Guides Association. Many will know him through his website, the hugely popular New Zealand FishnHunt forum.

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