

The Outdoors Party has formally requested a review of regulations (attached) that allow new celltowers to be installed around New Zealand without any consultation with affected communities. The request has been made to coincide with the Global Day of 5G Protest on 25 January 2020: “Say No to 5G”.

Co-leader of the Outdoors Party and emerging issue lawyer Sue Grey says “communities around New Zealand and around the world are extremely concerned about the way new 5G microwave technology is being forced on communities without any consultation. There are numerous health and security concerns about 5G and important questions about whether we need it at all, especially in New Zealand where our government has spent considerable public money on ultrafast broadband”.

Sue is part way through a tour of New Zealand from Kaitaia to Alexandra, New Plymouth to Gisborne raising awareness about 5G, concerns about its effects on community and environmental wellbeing, and the loss of democracy.

“People are very concerned about new celltowers being placed immediately outside homes, schools, hospitals and workplaces, usually without any consultation” says Sue Grey. “People feel threatened and disempowered having celltowers placed outside their homes and children’s bedrooms, often without any consultation. In addition to the obvious health concerns, many communities are very unhappy about the secretive way the Telcos and government have gone about 5G rollout. Councils and local communities have been excluded form the process by regulations which nationalise decision making.  People come home from work one day shocked to find a new celltower meters from their bedrooms, with no prior discussion. It’s a serious threat to public rights and democracy.

Sue first became involved in challenging inappropriately placed celltowers in 2008 as part of the Atawhai Playcentre community that lodged a petition with Parliament’sLocal Government and Environment Committee. That resulted in a unanimous recommendation that the New Zealand Standard and the quality and independence of advice given to the Minister of Health should be reviewed. However the then Minister for the Environment Nick Smith rejected the Parliamentary Committee’s report.

Since then the problem has escalated with a rash of new celltowers around NZ as Telcos prepare for the rollout of 5G (fifth generation) microwave technology. 5G is a new and untested.  Its being developed as it is rolled out internationally, without any safety testing” says Sue Grey. There are already many red flags, including reports from around NZ of serious health effects being suffered by many who have the new towers outside their homes.

The applicable NZ Standard (NZS2772:1 1999) was written in 1999. It was designed to protect only again the heating effect of RFEMR. There is no protection against damage to DNA, protein and enzyme function, mental health effects or other “biological effects”.

Sue Grey says “5G and the way new celltowers are being rolled out throughout New Zealand without consultation has become a human rights issue, in addition to a health and safety issue. RFEMR was classified as a Class2B carcinogen by the WHO in May 2011.

During a recent speaking tour in New Zealand, world expert and member of the 2011 WHO advisory panel Professor Dariusz Leszczynski said steps are underway for a review of the WHO classification, and he expects it will be reclassified at least as a Class 2A carcinogen. Many world experts are already recommending RFEMR be reclassified as a Class 1 (known carcinogen)

For more information please contact:

Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc (Biochemistry & Microbiology), RSHDipPHI

Ph or text 0226910586  or email: suegreylawyer@gmail.com

Questions you may wish to ask:

What communities are involved in the Global Day of Protest against 5G?

Tomorrow (Saturday 25th January 202) communities from Whangarei, Auckland, Waiheke, Thames, Hamilton, Gisborne, Wanganui, Kapiti Coast, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Oamaru, Dunedin, Queenstown, and Invercargill will join with people in at least 35 other countries in a global display of People Power, as part of the Global Day of Protest against 5G.

What can communities do to stop celltowers outside their home

There is currently very little communities can do to stop unwanted celltowers outside homes, schools, preschools or workplaces due to the RM(NESTF) Regulations 2016 which nationalise decision making and which assume all emissions which meet the dated NZS2772:1 1999 are safe.

This is why New Zealanders are protesting on 25 January 2020 around New Zealand and why many thousands have signed petitions.


[1] https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal

Having invested so much in fibre optic cable why do we need 5G?

Ultra fast broadband is faster, safer, and more secure than 5G and unlike 5G it is not affected by rain or humidity.  Over three quarters of NZ homes and businesses already have access to ultra fast broadband. The driver for 5G rollout appears to be corporate profit.


What are the limitations of the current NZ Standard for RFEMR: NZ Standard NZS2772:1 1999

NZS 2772:1 1999 is over twenty years old and was developed mainly by Telco interests.

It was designed only to protect against “heating effects” for RFEMR. It was never designed to protect against “biological effects” such as damage to DNA or to the repair of DNA, changes to the way proteins or hormones work in the body, changes to leakiness of cell membranes including of the blood:brain barrier.

There was no testing of cumulative effects of RFEMR and other contaminants such as toxins in foods or the air.

NZS2772:1 1999 was not designed to protect against interference with electronic body parts such as pacemakers.

When did a NZ Parliamentary Committee last consider the safety and regulation of RFEMR

Parliament’s Local Government and Environment Committee considered the safety and regulation of  RFEMR in response to a community petition from Sarah Allen leading the Atawhai Playcentre Group and Waiheke and other communities in 2008. The entire committee recommended a review of the NZ Standard (NZS2772:1 1999) and of the composition of the Minister of Health’s “Interagency Advisory Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation” to ensure less vested interest and more independent and medical input. The then Minister for the Environment Nick Smith rejected all the Committee’s recommendation.


How can microwave radiation cause harm?

We all understand how microwave radiation can heat water and cells.  Research shows is also causes many biochemical and other changes in the way living cells function and communicate with each other.

The full effects are not well understood butthere are already many red flags indicating precaution is needed.

What evidence of harm is there from radiotowers, celltowers and other RFEMR?

One example of a cluster of ill-health attributed to RFEMR is in Ouruhia Christchurch. Evidence about this is available on the Christchurch replacement plan website:


Recently many residents who live near newly rolled out cell-towers have reported ill health including skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds and chronic fatigue type symptoms.

Alan Simmons

Alan Simmons

President & Co-Leader Alan has dedicated a lifetime of involvement in outdoors political issues. He’s sat on a number of national body executives, boards, NGO and management groups, including the NZ Professional Hunting Guides Association, Electricorp Environmental Management Board, NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers and the NZ Professional Fishing Guides Association. Many will know him through his website, the hugely popular New Zealand FishnHunt forum.

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