Local Government Elections

The NZ Outdoors and Freedom are pleased to announce that two of its members are standing for mayoralty in the upcoming local Government elections. Members around NZ are also standing in general seats.

Donna Pokere Pihillips (LLB and LLM)

In Hamilton NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party co leader Donna Pokere Pihillips (LLB and LLM) is standing for mayor and has many qualities that would be of a great benefit to the people of Hamilton. Donna has stood in a number of national elections and is well versed in policy around housing and the environment as well as Maori interests. Donna’s philosophy is ‘If the land is sick the people are sick, if the land is healthy the people are healthy.’ Therefor her interests in the environment and health have been a huge part of her journey so far. Donna’s facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/donnapokerephillips

Aly Cook

Aly Cook is standing for Mayor of Tasman District, Aly is a board member of the NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party and has stood in local body election on previous occasions.

Nelson born, I’m married (29 years) and have raised three children, whilst continuing a career nationally/internationally. 

It’s my experience in handling large events, tour budgets and publicity within the challenging entertainment industry, also work in property development, that gives me the nous needed to be a successful Mayor for Tasman.

I believe people must play an active role in decision making. Tasman needs fearless leadership to fight a government stealing our assets.

We lose via three waters, generationally paid for within our rates, and SNA land grabs of our properties. 

Recovery of our tourism is vital, whilst ensuring Tasman continues as the best region to live. 

With endorsement from the Outdoors & Freedom Party, I carry our values for environment, transparent representation, freedom and democracy. 

I can be that leader and voice for you, whilst never forgetting who voted me in. 

Aly has always been a strong advocate for fairness in arts funding, and medical freedom of choice and as a candidate in the last election for Tasman district council in the Waimea Moutere ward, gained the most votes of any woman ever, and missing out on the position by 502 votes.

Aly’s facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/cookfortasman

Her Tasman election website: https://cookfortasman.com/

Aly’s Website is: https://www.alycook.com.au/

Outdoors Party Song by Seb Warren. “Our Country Our Voice Our Vote”

Our Country Our voice Song with images

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