From: Sue Grey <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020, 11:49
Subject: NZ Outdoors Party Complaint re RM(NESTF) Regulations 2016
To: <>
Dear Tara and Regulations Review Committee.
Thank you for your recent letter confirming that the RR Committee has accepted this complaint about the RM(NESTF) Regulations 2016 by the NZ Outdoors Party
The outstanding issues with RFEMR have become even more urgent due to:
- The apparent correlation between locations chosen as early test sites for 5G (eg Wuhan and Milan and various Passenger Liners) and a reported high incidence of serious harm from coronavirus;
- Expert evidence that RFEMR interferes with immunity, changes the skin microflora and its s against as a barrier against disease, causes flu-like symptoms and contributes to auto immune disorders;
- The very similar symptoms reported for electro-sensitivity and Coronavirus;
- The proposed imminent allocation of 28-30Ghz spectrum by the NZ government to facilitate the further rollout of 5G;
- The focus of NZS2772:1 1999 and accordingly also RM(NESTF) Regulations 2016 on heating effects on humans. There is no criteria for, assessment of or protect against any effects of RFEMR on biological effects on humans or of any effects at all on animals, bees and other insects. plants, microbes, (including the ability to select for the presence of some and inhibit others) or on the form, function or activity of proteins, enzymes and molecules or brain function (including the effects on emotion, mental health, thinking, memory etc) despite considerable bodies of evidence that microwaves and others forms of RFEMR can have these effects.
- The international law, human rights and health and safety requirements for a precautionary approach where risk is identified.
- Official information recently received from the Office of the Prime Minister explaining that assurances by the Prime Minister’s Science Advisor Juliet Gerard that 5G and RFEMR are “safe” are based almost solely on Ministry of Health advice, which in turn is based on low level ad hoc and advice from the Interagency Advisory Committee on Health Effects on Non-Ionising Radiation. This committee has consistently excluded members with expertise in biological effects of RFEMR (including Dr Sophie Walker a former advisor to ESR and Dr Mary Redmayne) and is heavily influenced by Telco type engineers and others such as Martin Gledhill who earn much of their income from advising telcos, and who are not independent and/or have no expertise in assessing biological effects of RFEMR. The only relatively qualified members (Dave McLean and Andrea Mannetje) take turns attending (ie attend only once per year each). One of these advisors recently described this committee as dis-functional at a meeting I attended and which included an advisor to MfE and an advisor the Prime Minister’s Science Advisor (Dr George Sim).
The NZ Outdoors Party accordingly requests:
- That this emails be urgently circulated to all members of the Regulations Review Committee;
- The government place an immediate moratorium on the allocation of spectrum for 5G until there is independent evidence to establish that 5G and the array of frequencies it includes both separately and cumulatively with other frequencies of RFEMR have not and will not contribute to the harm caused by the coronavirus pandemic and it is safe for humans, animals and the wider environment and will promote sustainable management;
- One competent authority with expertise in environmental science and risk assessment, biological sciences, microbiology, biochemistry, brain function, physical science, law, risk assessment be established and one person be made accountable to ensure that all health and environmental aspects of RFEMR are considered, that decisions are fully informed and are made in the public interest for the benefits of all New Zealanders (rather than being driven by vested interests), and that all Human Rights, Health and Safety, international law and other legal obligation are complied with;
- This inquiry into the RM(NESTF) Regulations be given urgent priority,
- Evidence from MfE and any other evidence requested or received by the Committee be received and circulated to the complainant (the NZ Outdoors Party) as a matter of urgency to enable its considered response to the Committee at the Oral Hearing; and
- Possible dates for the NZ Outdoors Party to be heard be circulated asap so a mutually suitable date can be allocated.
I have cc’s this email to the Minister for the Environment, Minister of Communications and Associate Minister of Health.
I would be grateful for an update as soon as possible.
Thank you and kind regards
Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc(Biochemistry & Microbiology), RSHDipPHI