Sue Dick – Candidate for North Shore


Sue Dick

Mairangi Bay


Ph: 020 4076 2917

Although I was born overseas, I have grown up in New Zealand and love the outdoors, beach and barefoot lifestyle. The majority of my life has been spent living on the North Shore where I raised my children. I was very involved from kindergarten, through primary and intermediate schools. Supporting, chairing committees and always fundraising! As a graduate of Auckland University, I have a background in education.

My passions are my family. Four children, their partners and my 12 grandchildren. I am concerned for their futures and all our future generations. This was what led my decision to stand for the Outdoors Party whose values and concerns align with mine. 

As my children grew, I became interested in natural therapies. I also value nutritional, chemical free food as a basis for good health. New Zealand has a long tradition through rongoā medicine going back generations. I care deeply about access to natural medicines and providers. We need to value and uphold all of these. It is also vital that we have the right to make medical decisions for ourselves and our children without force or coercion.

We all need an assurance of employment, access to food and housing. It concerns me that many families are unable to afford the basics for living and too many are homeless.  To me, the Outdoors Party represents all New Zealanders who love this land and want to see nature restored. In Government we would support personal freedoms and rights, along with responsibility. 

Tracy Livingston

Tracy Livingston

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